Join Holy Spirit Filled Pentecostal Churches in San Antonio Texas in Praying For Revival

Pentecostal Churches in San Antonio Texas in Praying For Revival

Lazarus, what does that name mean to you? To most, it is the name of a man once dead, but raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. It is a preview of sorts of the latter death and resurrection of Jesus. It is a simple moment that helps define and extend the then known limits of Jesus’ power to His disciples. It is an example of revival, and how that can only be achieved through the means of Jesus Christ. Lazarus was dead, he ceased to live, and his earthly potential was diminished. But Jesus is not of this Earth, the Earth is in fact of Him. So, Jesus revived Lazarus’ body and in turn his spirit and the potential his life held. Jesus later performed a similar miracle when he died upon the cross and was later resurrected three days later. It is important to remember His sacrifice and the core of what it means for our earthly lives.

Just as Jesus saved Lazarus from the chains of death, He has freed all who choose to follow Him from the death that we are victims to because of our sin.

               Ephesians 2: 1-2

1As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

Whereas Lazarus received a revival of body, we have received a revival of spirit. While sin is still an obstacle to all man and women during their time on Earth, it is no longer the end of the line. When anyone sins, our hearts become blemished. We have violated God’s commandments and have been separated from His presence because of our imperfections. The wages of sin is death, meaning that under the law, sin should cause eternal separation from God. Thankfully, God loves us enough to offer us a chance at revival. He extends this offer through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a human life, but He did not sin, fulfilling the commandments as indicated by the Law. However, Jesus still died on Good Friday. He chose to take the wages of sin, despite it not being required of Him. He took on that punishment so that we wouldn’t have to. He offered us a second chance, He offered us revival. This is again reflected in the story of Lazarus, as Jesus converses with Lazarus’ sister, Martha.

23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again. 24 Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” 27“Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”

If Jesus can revive Lazarus, He can revive the spirit of any individual, and so then shall He revive the spirit of a city, state, or nation? It’s no secret that the world is not a perfect place. We live in a society filled with violence, crime, hate, greed, and every other sin imaginable. It seems hopeless and bleak at times, especially when those issues become present in a Church or among believers. But don’t worry, because Jesus also spoke of these issues before ascended into heaven.

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[b] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.

This world is not meant to be pleasant, especially for Christians who are actively trying to spread the love and message of Jesus Christ. But, He would not commission His followers to such an insurmountable task if He was not also leaving them well equipped. As believers, we have not only inherited His gift of eternal life, but the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us. As believers we must stand united under His Spirit and His purpose. So, I will close this post with a call to action, and a request for this nation.

As we see the world around us submitting to sin, as we see the chaos spreading around our cities, homes, and schools; let us pray. As we deal with struggles in our families, in our friends, and in our co-workers; let us pray for revival in San Antonio, in Texas, in our nation and around the world. As Satan hits us with everything that He’s got, temptation after temptation passes our way; join other Full Gospel Holy Spirit filled Apostolic Pentecostal Churches in San Antonio TX and let us pray for revival. Let us pray not that these struggles, issues, and sins will simply go away; but that the Lord Jesus Christ will revive our spirits and fill millions with the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost). Let us pray that Jesus brings revival to all of His children. Let us pray that the Church be unified and ignited with renewed fervor for it’s message. Let us pray for revival. Join other United Pentecostal Churches in San Antonio as we seek the face of God for revival. San Antonio and near by suburbs desperately needs revival. If we had a great Holy Spirit sweeping revival it could affect the entire state of Texas. When need the Holy Ghost to affect San Antonio like it did in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost! Let us call the names of a few of the counties by name that need revival. (if I miss one please call that name in prayer for revival as well.)

Bexar County Texas needs revival!

Comal County Texas needs revival!

Guadalupe County Texas needs revival!

Wilson County Texas needs revival!

As you go about your week please pray with us that a spirit of revival comes and sweep the world. Pray with us that we shall no longer be asleep like Lazarus, but be raised by the power of Christ.

We at Pentecostal Life Church would like to extend a welcome to you to come in person and join with other Full Gospel Holy Spirit Filled Apostolic Church believers in praying for revival. Pentecostal Life Church is affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church Internal. (UPCI) Pentecostal Life Church is located in a Suburbs of San Antonio Texas called Schertz. Here are some towns within 7-20 minutes of Pentecostal Life Church depending on traffic.

Cibolo TX 78108

Garden Ridge TX 78266

Universal City TX 78148

New Braunfels TX 78130 78131 78132 78135

Converse TX 78109 78239

Selma TX 78154

Live Oak TX 78148 78233

Windcrest TX 78218 78239

San Antonio TX which is Schertz largest suburb ;D

Pentecostal Life Church location 102 FM-78. Schertz, TX 78154

Service time Sunday 10:30 am & Thursday 7 pm

Can Holy Spirit Filled Pentecostal Churches San Antonio Texas Help Your Marriage?

can pentecostal churches help your marriage

There is power in the attendance of Church. Not only does the Church serve as a place for the individual to learn and grow in the Lord, but it is a great place for couples to connect and grow together as well. By partaking in a joint commitment to the Lord each week, couples can build themselves on a solid foundation that will strengthen both their marriage and their walk with the Lord.

Matthew 19: 4-6

4“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

The above verse is taking from Jesus’ response to a Pharisee that asked him about the nature and lawfulness of divorce. The Bible declares on several occasions the intent for one man to be wed to one woman for the duration of their lives. The bond of husband and wife is one established by God since the creation of Adam and Eve. It makes sense that it would best be maintained via a relationship with God. By attending United Pentecostal Churches San Antonio together, a married couple is able to let God speak into their lives as individuals and as a couple.

The messages delivered by the pastor can speak to the issues that lay within themselves and their relationship. That is part of the purpose of Church for all individuals that choose to attend, to be instructed and to grow. It’s no secret that people don’t always do the right thing. This can cause tension between friends and coworkers, let alone the tension it may cause if left unchecked between two people that live together. As humans, we are sinful by nature. Without the love, forgiveness, and wisdom of God, we remain vulnerable to that sinful nature. Marriage doesn’t magically make sin less appealing or harder to do, but it does make the consequences of sin more personal and abundant. The knowledge imparted from the Bible through Church pastors and instructors can help deal with rifts. People in any relationship are going to make mistakes. We, as humans, are not perfect, and so we cannot expect our human relationships to be perfect either.

In order to understand this concept, we must look back at the first pairing that God created on this Earth, that of Adam and Eve. Adam was made from clay, and Eve was later taken from a rib from Adam’s side.

Genesis 2: 22-24

22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Adam and Ever were in the Garden of Eden, living in perfect unison between each other and with God Himself. However, Eve succumbed to the temptation of the serpent and the Apple, breaking the one commandment that God had left them and leading Adam to do the same. To many, it seems as if Eve is the culprit because she sinned first. But, they both sinned regardless, just as any couple that has walked this Earth since then have both sinned at some point or another. Adam and Eve’s sin caused them to be thrown from God’s presence and for a rift to be formed between God and those whom He had created in His likeness.

All humans are flawed in every relationship they will have. However, Jesus is perfect in all relationships. When His Holy Spirit dwells within us we are giving power to help us in life’s challenges. And, while we will struggle from time to time, we will also succeed many times more than before because of the wisdom and power that Holy Spirit gives.

Some people say the Holy Spirit cannot be imparted by Church attendance, after all, that’s merely an act of showing up to Church once a week. But, the wisdom that God imparts to his pastors, the knowledge that they have received, and the messages that they transmit will foster the direction to a couple and many people have received the Holy Spirit in a Pentecostal Church setting. The stronger the Holy Spirit and our foundation with Christ, the weaker the effect that sin has on us becomes. And, when we truly repent of sinful life styles and sin then our relationships can truly be made stronger in our faith and commitment to our spouses.

So, please take the time to visit a Pentecostal Church in San Antonio TX regularly. Let the wisdom of the creator who set you and your spouse apart for each other touch your lives. Let His words bring you strength and healing, so that the pairing He set aside for you is free to fulfill the purposes He has designed for it.

Pentecostal Life Church is located at 102 FM-78, Schertz, Texas, 78154

Service times are Sunday 10:30 am & Thursday 7pm

( Schertz is a Suburb of San Antonio)

Take Your Family To a Full Gospel Holy Spirit Filled United Pentecostal Church San Antonio Texas

take your family to church San Antonio TX

If you answered yes to the question; then congratulations, you have been actively helping your family to grow and learn in Christ. If you answered no, then we at Pentecostal Life Church are here to help. Whether we’ve already met your family or not, we would be delighted to have you and to join together with your family in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 10: 24-25

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

The book of Hebrews lays out some of the foundational aspects of the importance of attending Church. By bringing your family to a Full Gospel Holy Spirit filled United Pentecostal Church San Antonio Texas, whether it happens to be a Sunday or a Thursday service, you are helping to spur them towards love and good deeds. The importance of living a Christian lifestyle in accordance with going to Full Gospel Apostolic Churches San Antonio area is a point that is heavily emphasized at Pentecostal Life Church. As a Christian body, we are both reliable for and accountable to one another. If a member of the Church body stumbles in their walk with the Lord, it is the duty of a Spirit Filled Church to be there to assist and guide them. This concept works the same within a family that attends Pentecostal Churches San Antonio Texas.

When a family attends a Holy Spirit Filled United Pentecostal Church San Antonio TX together, they are walking in unison in commitment to the Lord. And, while it is possible that not all members of the family may decide to live for Christ by regular Church attendance, that commitment remains the goal none the less. The chances are a lot higher that the Children will view Christianity favorable when they reach adulthood if they had a positive Church experience when they were young. Let’s look at a few examples of how a family can live out that commitment both as individuals and as a singular unit.

Example A: A family of believers attends Church together every week. The parents are fulfilling their duties of training and instructing their children in the Lord. While they are not directly teaching the children in this example, they are giving them the tools and opportunity to learn in an environment filled with other believers, and from pastors and teachers that have greater training and knowledge than the parents may have on their own. By bringing their family to a Pentecostal Church on a regular and meaningful basis, the parents are helping to instill Christian values and Christly wisdom into their children. This combination of wisdom and values will continue to guide them as they eventually get older and then leave the security of their parents. Hopefully, what the children were able to learn in an Apostolic Church will stick with them and help them to live Christlike lives for the entirety of their life.

Ephesians 6:4

Fathers,[a] do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Example B: A Married Individual brings their spouse and children to church with them every week. The individual is a Christian, the spouse and children are not, though the children haven’t yet made a decision either way. This individual may not be bringing their family to be fed and to grow in the same way that the family in Example A was able to, but the decision impacts them in a familiar and compelling way. Whole the entire family may not be firm believers, or even believers at all, they are still receiving regular exposure to a sound Christian environment. When a believer brings their friends and family into a Spirit filled Pentecostal Church for the first time, it can be a life changing experience. As a non-believer walks through the doors and listens to the teachings and wisdom of the Pastor, they are exposed to the message of Jesus in ways that they may have never been before. Many non-believers have a false pretense of what the message of Jesus is, many believe the lies they see on social media or the false doctrines they hear both on TV and in natural conversations. When they are given the opportunity to listen to the True Message of Christ from a trained and knowledgeable source, it can dissolve the barriers they’ve set up against the influence of His message. Regular Church attendance also exposes non-believers to the Christian lifestyle and lets them get to know people that are following in Christ’s footsteps with their own lives.

Regular Church attendance with your family may fit into one of these two examples, or it may be something unique. The great thing about the Church is that it doesn’t matter what your situation is, Jesus welcomes all who seek Him. Whether you are searching for a Full Gospel United Pentecostal Church San Antonio Texas to introduce your family to, or if you are seeking a place to help your family further grow and learn in Christ, Pentecostal Life Church is an excellent place to achieve that goal. At Pentecostal Life Church, we believe in the power of families regularly attending Church together. We believe that families who believe and attend together can help keep each other’s foundations solid and to help one another stand firm in their faith.

So, I conclude with a question. Have you taken your family to Pentecostal Church lately? If yes, then great, we encourage you to continue doing so. If you answered no, then we encourage you to find a Church body that fits your needs. Somewhere that you and your spouse can learn and grow together, somewhere that your children can learn and be excited about faith. The doors of Pentecostal Life Church are open for any and all who’d like to take this commitment to attend Church with their families. We’d love to have you if even for just a visit.

Pentecostal Life Church currently meets in the San Antonio suburb called Schertz.

Location: 102 FM-78, Schertz, TX, 78154

Service times are Sunday 10:30 am & Thursday 7 pm

We look forward to seeing you at Pentecostal Life Church soon!!  ;D

Where is Pentecostal Life Church in connection to San Antonio Texas?

Schertz, Texas

Are you new to the San Antonio Texas area and needing a Holy Spirit filled United Pentecostal Church San Antonio? Are you asking where is a Holy Spirit filled United Pentecostal Church near me?

Have you heard of Pentecostal Life Church and are interested in attending Pentecostal Life Church?

Do you wish to fellowship with a Holy Spirit filled Apostolic Pentecostal Church San Antonio Texas, but aren’t sure about where to go or how to get there?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then Pentecostal Life Church may be the place for you. Pentecostal Life Church is an UPCI Church San Antonio TX area, which basically means that Pentecostal Life Church is affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church International and serving         San Antonio and surrounding San Antonio Texas suburbs.  Pentecostal Life Church is located about twenty minutes from the heart of San Antonio, in the suburb of Schertz, TX. This location makes it an easy drive for anyone, it’s a great place to connect with fellow Christian believers, and to grow in the faith.

Schertz was first settled in 1843 by the Schertz family. The family had migrated from Europe in the hopes of making a better life for themselves, similar to many who find themselves relocating to the San Antonio area. In 1866, Sebastian Schertz purchased 307 acres of land in present day Schertz, and the family began to branch off independently from the town of New Braunfels Texas. This town was initially known as “Cut Off”. Sebastian established his family as a strong farming presence in the area with the help of his three children. The town grew from there with the addition of other families, a water supply plant, and eventually a railroad that ran across Texas. In 1899, Cut Off was officially renamed Schertz, after it’s founding family. The town grew and was officially incorporated as a city in 1958. Today Schertz is a thriving community that continues to grow and contribute to the greater San Antonio area. Schertz Texas is also special in that it directly connects to so many other San Antonio suburbs and is part of the Metrocom. The city of Schertz is claimed by three Texas counties, which are Bexar County TX, Comal County TX, Guadalupe County TX. Some of the towns and San Antonio suburbs that are directly connected to Schertz are: San Antonio Texas, Cibolo Texas, Universal City Texas, Selma Texas, New Braunfels Texas, Converse Texas, Garden Ridge Texas. Pentecostal Life Church also blesses Live Oak Texas. To say that these are the only suburbs Pentecostal Life Church blesses would be incorrect. Pentecostal Life Church has people that drive close to 1 hour one way twice a week to be connected with and blessed by Pentecostal Life Church!!

If this story of the Schertz family interest you, relates to you, or even makes you a little curious, we encourage you to visit our town and especialy to visit Pentecostal Life Church. Pentecostal Life Church was founded on April 6, 2014 and has been blessed in every stage of its life. At Pentecostal Life Church we desire to be a full Gospel book of Acts Church, also we believe in the word of God, and the power of the Holy Ghost. We believe that God has a plan for the City of Schertz. We believe that God has a plan for the City of San Antonio. We believe that God also has similar plans for the Great State of Texas, for the United States, and for the World at large. We at Pentecostal Life Church also believe that each persons role in that grand plan starts with a first step.

Perhaps that first step for you starts when you exit your vehicle on a Sunday morning or a Thursday evening, and as you use that step to walk beneath the black canopy and through the breezeway into Pentecostal Life Church. If that’s the case, then you will be accompanied on that journey by one of our friendly members or helpful ushers. They can help guide you through the Church and help you feel comfortable in the house of God. These ushers can even help escort your children along the first steps of their journey and into our exciting Sunday morning children’s service. From there, your steps can take you into the main sanctuary for a Holy Spirit filled worship service and a life changing sermon. At Pentecostal Life Church we believe that “a service doesn’t have to be eternal in length to be eternal in value”. We believe in keeping the messages concise, but powerful and applicable. From here, God will be able to speak into your life through the messages of our Pastor and speakers. From here, you will be able to lift up your prayers and praise to heaven, along with the congregation. Afterwards you and your family can walk out of the Church with more wisdom direction than you came in with, having been truly touched by His presence and a congregation that serves Him. At Pentecostal Life Church we believe people must start their spiritual journey where they are right now in their present stage of life, however it is God’s plan to take us farther on our Christian journey. So at Pentecostal Life Church you can come as you are, but personal growth in your walk with Jesus is anticipated and celebrated.

We hope that Pentecostal Life Church does fit into the journey that God has called you on. We also hope that Pentecostal Life Church will play as much of a role in your life as you will in it’s life. We hope to see your footsteps walk through the door and continue that journey regularly. But most of all, we hope that you will listen to the calling God has put on your heart, that you will seek Him first, and that the kingdom of God will be moved through His work in you.

If you are interested in visiting Pentecostal Life Church, it is located at 102 FM-78 Schertz, TX. 78154.

Service times are Sundays at 10:30, and Thursdays at 7:00.

For further questions or inquiries, the church may be contacted by phone at 210-569-0225, or by mail at P.O. Box 113
Schertz, TX. 78154. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you walk through our doors.

Can Going to Pentecostal Churches in San Antonio Texas Make You Live Longer?


Pentecostal churches San Antonio Texas

Going to a Pentecostal Church in San Antonio TX can make you live a fuller life. Not because of the power of a building or the congregation, but the Lord Jesus for whom that building and congregation serve. The true power of eternal life comes through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is evident numerous times in scripture, especially highlighted in the book of Matthew 7:13-14.

13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.        

            For many people, Church is where one goes to meet Christ. It is not the only place to meet Christ, the Apostle Paul met him on a road, Simon Peter met him from a fishing boat; but it is one of the most common places one goes when they want to take their walk with God to a greater level of spiritual development. More importantly, regardless of where one meets Christ, the Church is where one goes to connect with other Christians instead of being an island unto themselves. Those that connect to a local Church have a better success rate of long term Christianity. Bible Christianity teaches Christian believers to abstain from many of the self destructive behaviors that are normal to our culture, therein lies one of the keys to a longer and fuller life.  Almost everyone has had some encounter in their life where they have met Christ. He can be found in the lives and actions of His followers, in kind gestures, and forgiveness. Jesus can be found in the changing of the seasons, in gusts of wind, and in each sunset. Evidence of Jesus Christ is virtually limitless, shown in abundance on a daily basis.

People who regularly attend Holy Spirit filled United Pentecostal Churches San Antonio Texas have the blessing of the connection of that comes from being connected to Spirit filled believers.

            Ephesians 4: 11-13

11 Christ gave gifts to men. He gave to some the gift to be missionaries, some to be preachers, others to be preachers who go from town to town. He gave others the gift to be church leaders and teachers. 12 These gifts help His people work well for Him. And then the Church which is the body of Christ will be made strong.

Regular attendance not only brings life to the individual, but to the body of Christ as well. When people gather on a regular basis, they are regularly sharing in the knowledge, wisdom, power, and praise of Jesus Christ. And, as seen in the verse above, Christ imparts gifts into the body. Some are given a desire to reach out to the world abroad, those may become missionaries. Some have a gift for instruction and wish to instill Christ in others through their relationship, those may become pastors.  These gifts help the body to function, to reach out into the world and impart more of Christ into each part that the body touches. As the body of Christ does this, the body is grown as the gifts that Christ has imparted in its members touch the lives of those outside of the body, and bring them in. The body grows larger and stronger with this, increasing its longevity and ability to touch further and further.

2 Peter 1: 3-4

By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. 4 And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share His divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

God has equipped us with everything we need to live, freeing us from the death we belonged to under sin. He gave us physical life when we were born unto this world, and He gave us spiritual life when we chose to die to our sins thru repentance, baptism in Jesus name, being filled with the Holy Spirit and following Him. Being born again according to scripture is not the end of a person’s walk with Christ, as Christians we are to grow in Christ. The church provides a place to actively seek God. This can be done in many ways at that. God can be sought most easily and comprehensibly through the scriptures and understood through the teachings of Pastors. But, God also desires a personal relationship with each one of us, this can be sought through prayer. Prayer can often be difficult to understand or enter into if one is not familiar with the Christian lifestyle. Thankfully, the Church provides a place where people can go to learn and further understand what it means to pray, how to do it, and how it can benefit their lives.

The truth of the matter is that the Church does not always grant longevity in life, but it does create a way to navigate life and God’s calling on your life. The Church can help mankind live a fuller life in the Spirit. In doing this, it provides an outlet for any individual to live up to the calling and purpose that God has put on their lives. The Church also helps bring people together and closer to God, bringing them into the fold of eternal life as given through Jesus Christ.

If you have been praying for God to show you the right Church to attend Pentecostal Life Church may be the right Church family for you. Pentecostal Life Church is a Holy Spirit filled Pentecostal Church in San Antonio Texas area.

Pentecostal Life Church currently meets at 102 FM-78, Schertz, TX 78154

Service times: Sunday 10:30am & Thursday 7Pm

New to San Antonio TX and needing a Pentecostal Church home?

new to San Antonio TX

Moving to a new state, city, or even neighborhood can be a tough transition. There are new routes to work that must be learned, new people to meet, and dozens of other transitions that can pile up. One of those transitions can be finding a Holy Spirit filled Church San Antonio TX. Perhaps it is your first time seeking a Pentecostal Church body to join with, or perhaps you’re looking for something to fulfill you the same way that your previous United Pentecostal Church body did. There are many different things that can factor into this decision such as, style of worship, method of preaching, and even the individuals in the congregation. If you’re new to the San Antonio Texas area, we’d like to share a bit about Pentecostal Life Church with you for your consideration if you are looking for a Pentecostal Church in or near San Antonio Texas.

We are a group of Spirit filled believers with a desire to spread the Good News of Christ Jesus. We strive to be an Apostolic Church in San Antonio Texas area and to exemplify Jesus with our lives. Pentecostal Life Church was founded in 2014 by Pastor Joel & Amy Slayer in the San Antonio TX suburb of Schertz Texas. Schertz TX is unique in the since that it is claimed by three Texas counties. They are Bexar county Texas; Comal County Texas; Guadalupe County Texas. There are people that live close by that attend Pentecostal Life Church, but there are others that drive close to an hour one way twice a week to be at Pentecostal Life Church, because they feel the Lord has sent them to Pentecostal Life Church. Not only is Pentecostal Life Church a blessing to them, but they are a blessing as well. Sure there are other places that are bigger, but if they are growing in Jesus and being a blessing at the same time they feel Pentecostal Life Church is the home Church they need to be members of.

Pentecostal Life Church is a Holy Spirit Filled Apostolic United Pentecostal Church. We Believe in the power of the Holy Ghost to change lives.

We believe the words of 2 Timothy 3:15-17, The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God.  It is God’s universal instruction manual for every human and is the sole authority on salvation and Christian living. We believe that the Bible was divinely inspired by God into the hearts and minds of its authors, and that it was designed so to guide us through life to Heaven.

We believe that Christians are called to live differently than they did before becoming Christians.

Romans 12: 1-2

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

We believe in the power of Spirit filled worship and the impact that it can have on the lives of those who participate in it. We believe in the Biblical expressions of worship, and that they are just as relevant today as they were at the time of inception.

We believe in the power of audible prayer, praying together verbally and in unity. (They lifted up their voice to God with one accord” Acts 4:24)

We believe in lifting our praises to the Lord, hands held high. (Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord” Psalm 134:2)

We believe in singing with all of our hearts and with full-fledged genuine enthusiasm.  (Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise” Psalm 98:4).  (“O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph” Psalm 47:1, “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs” Psalm 150:4).

We hope that you prayerfully take these things into account as you search for an Apostolic Holy Spirit filled Pentecostal Church home. We hope that you might find a place among the Spirit filled and enthusiastic believers who have already come to call Pentecostal Life Church their Church home. We hope that you and your family will find a connection with each of the members of our Church body and a renewed purpose in Christ’s calling for your life. In short, we hope to see you on Sunday.

Pentecostal Life Church currently meets Sunday 10:30 am & Thursday 7pm @ 102 FM-78, Schertz, Texas, 78154.  Schertz Texas is a suburb of San Antonio. For more information come on to Pentecostal Life Church! 😀