Posts Tagged ‘church meeting’
Should Christians Meet Together Regularly?
In today’s fast paced and technology focused world, this question comes up a lot. What is the point of gathering together in a building once or twice a week when services can now be attended online, electronic fellowship can be achieved through nearly instantaneous communication, and the knowledge within the Bible can be viewed with a simple online search? The answer to this topical question is yes, and an overwhelming “yes” at that. There are numerous benefits to gathering together, worshiping, learning, and fellowshipping with other believers on a regular basis. We will discuss those in a minute, but first let’s examine what scripture says not only about the need to gather together, but the power of doing so.
Hebrews 10: 24-25
24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
In this passage we learn not only one of the core purposes to meeting together regularly in the name of our Jesus, but we receive a call to do so without neglect. By meeting with fellow believers on a regular basis, we are able to motivate and be motivated on a level that would be unattainable without regular interaction in an environment such as the Church. By meeting on a weekly basis, or even more frequently if meeting on a midweek evening in addition to Sunday mornings, we are able to truly become a part of one another’s lives. When you come into contact with an individual multiple times a week, you are able to better understand them. At first, it may just be superficial understandings such as where they work or which side of San Antonio Texas they live. However, as time goes on, we are able to move deeper in our understanding of our fellow Church members. We begin to understand what motivates them, the desires God has placed on their hearts, and even the struggles that plague their everyday lives. By taking the time to meet together at Church in Christian fellowship, we can better assist each other in these times of struggle. By knowing taking the time and energy to physically meet together one can offer the proper advice and support in times of need, and the Church body can effectively encourage one another as we are called to do in this verse.
It is important not to neglect the relationships in our Churches by taking regular meeting times lightly or neglecting them altogether. In a metaphorical sense, the body cannot properly support itself if the foot only shows up when it deems the meeting time convenient for that week. Hebrews calls us to honor this commitment to one another, and to encourage each other even when others choose to neglect that commitment.
Matthew 18: 19-20
“I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 For where two or three gather together as my followers,[h] I am there among them.”
This verse is taken from Jesus’ dialogue, and it carries much significance because of that. The original 12 believers had the benefit of being in physical contact with the Jesus Christ. As modern believers, we do not have the privilege of being in his physical presence. However, unlike the twelve disciples of Christ, we do have the benefit of being a part of a much larger Church body. And while Jesus does not dwell among the Church in an Earthly form at the moment, His presence is still present when the Church gathers in His name. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be the entire church for his presence to dwell amongst those in Christian fellowship. As seen in the above scripture, “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”. It is important to honor our commitment not only between individual members of the Church; but to honor the commitment that Christ gave in Matthew 18:20 by supporting the gathering of any number of members gathered in His name.
Acts 20: 28
“So guard yourselves and God’s people. Feed and shepherd God’s flock—his church, purchased with his own blood[h]—over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as leaders.
Not only does meeting regularly assist in encouraging one another and honoring that commitment that Christ gave his followers, but it also serves as a way to help guard and protect one another from the dangers of sin. This is especially pertinent for those whom God has called to lead. Whether this is leadership within the church, leadership in the workplace, or leadership in the community; God has entrusted you with leadership over (at least) part of His flock. This isn’t a gift that God has given lightly either, the freedom of God’s flock was purchased through the blood He shed upon the cross. It is important to remember that our lives are His, regardless of circumstance. His blood redeemed us, His spirit guides us as we pursue Him. As leaders in each of our respective roles, we are responsible for guiding members of His flock in the proper direction. If we begin to ignore or avoid these responsibilities by skipping Church meetings, avoiding the presence of others, and dodging the gathering bodies, then we have failed to watch over those whom he has entrusted to us.
There are many benefits and necessities to meeting with fellow believers on a regular basis, plus it is honoring the commitments between us and God. This means that we encourage, honor, and protect those that he has placed in our midst.
We at Pentecostal Life Church welcome and extend Christian community and fellowship you.
Pentecostal Life Church is a Spirit Filled Apostolic Pentecostal Church located in Schertz, TX. Schertz Texas is a suburb of San Antonio, Texas.
Pentecostal Life Church currently meets at 1201 Oak Street. Schertz, TX 78154.
Service times are: Sunday 10:30 am & Thursday 7pm.